東日本大震災に際し JBOに寄せられた世界の仲間からのメール

Dear Colleague,

Last Friday, when the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, we were all shocked by the disaster. We feel so sorry for the tragedy that happened in your country. How are you and your family doing? I found it is so hard to convey my deepest sorrow for the victims. I hope all things are going well with you and all victims may rest in peace. We are here praying for you and your country everyday to overcome this serious natural disaster and get through the difficulties. At this moment, we do not know if you have any needs or other requests that we can help.
May God comfort the sorrow and bring peace.

David Chao, Professor, National Biology Olympiad, Taiwan, R.O.C.


先週の金曜日、地震と津波が日本を襲いました。私たちは自然災害の大きさに、大変ショックを受けました。このような大惨事が日本を襲ってしまった ことに、心よりお見舞い申し上げます。 みなさんやみなさんのご家族はご無事でしょうか?  被災者の皆様に対するお悔やみをどのように伝えればよいのか、とても難しいことと思いますが、皆さんや、被災者の方々が一日もはやく穏やかに過ご せることを祈っています。 台湾で私たちは、日本人と日本国が、自然によるこの大惨事から復興していくことを毎日祈っています。 現時点ではどのような形で支援できるかまだわかりませんが、神のご加護と平穏な日々が一日も早く訪れることを祈っています。

David Chao, National Biology Olympiad, 台湾

Dear friends:
We are really concerned for you these days. How are you affected by this terrible event?
I hope the best for you, and we pray for your people.

Best regards,

Javier Fernández-Portal Díaz del Río
Delegado de la Olimpiada Española de Biología en Madrid


この何日か、ずっと皆さんのことを考えています。この大災害が皆さんにどのように影響しているのかわかりませんが、皆さんが無事で、元気でいるこ とを祈ります。そして、日本の皆さんのことをお祈りしています。

Javier Fernández-Portal Díaz del Río Delegado de la Olimpiada Española de Biología en Madrid, スペイン

I hope you and your family and friends are ok and healthy. we think of all of you. sincereley



mathias スイス

I felt very sorry about disastrous tsunami and earthquake incidents. I heard about victims. Your condolences. I hope that Japan will turn back to good days soon.
Best regards,
Enes Karabacak
Turkey 筑波国際大会参加者

Enes Karabacak
トルコ  筑波国際大会参加者

I hope that you and your family are OK? The news coverage on TV on the earthquake in Japan are really shocking - so much damage. Hope to hear that you are OK soon.
Best regards

皆さんと皆さんのご家族が無事であることを願っています。テレビでみる日本の地震の様子に非常にショックを受けています。一日でも早く皆さんが元 気になれることを祈っています。
シンガポール (IBO副議長)

Dear Colleagues,
IBO 2009 was fantastic. Japan showed great hospitality. Everywhere friendly people. And now you are hit by this awful devastating tsunami. How sad, unexpected and terrible. And so many victims bringing grief. Seeing the pictures on TV we feel sorrow and sympathy for you. It willl take a long time for Japanese people to recover from this catastrophe.
I wish all the best in this process.
hans morelis


IBO2009は非常に素晴らしかった。日本のホスピタリティは非常に優れていて、どこにいっても親しみやすい人々ばかりでした。今、皆さんが、 津波による大惨事に直面し、どれほど悲しく、つらい思いをされているのか見当もつきません。非常に多くの被災者の方々にお悔やみ申し上げます。テ レビから流れる映像をみるたびに、私たちも皆さんと同じ気持で心を痛めています。日本の皆さんが、いつか必ず、この大惨事から復興することを信じ ています。
Hans Morelis (IBO元議長、IBO現副議長)

Be sure that our warmest thoughts are turned to Japan and to so courageous Japanese people. We hope you'll overcome the situation. We feel strongly concerned by your terrible problems and very close from you, all the more since we made Japanese friends during IBO 2009 in Tsukuba.
Very sincerely yours,
Jean-Louis Michard



Jean-Louis Michard、 フランス

Our very best wishes are with you and your colleagues, friends and family. Thank you for your email. It is so good to hear you are well. We do seem to have been rather hit by disasters one way or another: earthquakes, floods, fires. I do agree with you that our focus on science education needs to be much more relevant in skilling for the real world.
I do hope you will be able to complete your team selection and we look forward to seeing you in Taiwan.
With very best wishes,
Mary & the Australia team.




Mary & the Australia team オーストラリア

It's good to hear from you! People here in Taiwan learned a lot from watching various kinds of media broadcasting about this catastrophy in Japan, and we all feel quite impressed by how people in Japan handled such earthquakes - people were so prepared and calm! A colleague of mine in our university just came back from Japan, who was right at the site when the earthquake stroke, he told us what happened and how he appreciates all the helps offered from colleagues in Japans for him to be back in Taiwan safely.
We sincerely wish all the people in Japan the best and we are certain that together we will overcome the problems soon.
Best Regards from Taiwan
Shu-Chuan Hsiao
Coordinator of Taiwan Biology Olympiad Committee



Shu-Chuan Hsiao
Coordinator of Taiwan Biology Olympiad Committee 台湾

It feels very good to read from you and I hope that you and your colleagues, especially your beloved relatives are fine in Tokyo and the surroundings!
The whole world is looking upon Japan now and we all are very shocked from the news arriving us with daily horror pictures here in Germany. Even our reactor politics are changing very fast now: We have an immediate three months moratorium with a stop of all reactors built in the late 1970ies. We all know, that the Japanese society is very good educated in earthquakes and other problems, and very good equipped with techniques on an international high level as - let's say - Germany. So the apocalyptic pictures from Japan are not the consequences of ignorances but of the force of nature.
You are right, we should consider other science education systems which bear these our futural problems in mind. We are living in the middle of nature and we have to cope with that as for example the Indians did.
We all hope and press our thumbs that the atomic process can be stopped and that these beautiful destroyed parts of Japan will be reconstructed in a few years.
Do you have some personal needs for help, and what can we do, to contribute to the supports of worldwide help actions? Our hearts are beating with you.
We wish you good hope and strong power to solve the problems.
For my colleagues from the German BO team
Eckhard Lucius


全世界が日本に注目しています。毎日、日本の惨状がニュースとして流れていて、ドイツではみなこころを痛めています。私たちの国の原子炉に関わる政治も急速に変化しはじめています。1970年代に建設された全ての原子炉が停止し、ちょうど3ヶ月経過したところでした。 私たちは、日本の社会が、地震や他の問題に対してとてもよく訓練されていて、技術的にも国際的に非常に高度な ―そうだね、たとえば、ドイツと同じようなー、水準のものを備えていると理解しています。壊滅的な日本からの映像を見るたびに、日本の地震対策や技術が劣っていたということではなく、自然の力がもたらしたものだと、私たちは理解しています。






from the German BO team
Lucius ドイツ

My deepest sympathy and heart-felt well wishes go to you, family, friends, and people of Japan. We are glad that our Japanese friends haven't been hurt by the unfortunate incidents. I hope all the mishaps would go away very, very soon.
Be safe, my friend.



Pitiwong タイ

Dear Ryoichi,
First of all we cross our fingers and press our thumbs and whatever else you want and need within the next hours and weeks. We know that there are about 50 Japanese Heroes sacrifying themselves for Japan and maybe the whole manhood, working on the broken power plant in Fukushima. We know that they manage to bring a high voltage power cable to the reatcor 2 to restart the cooling systems - just to avoid a second Chernobyl (Chernobyl times 3!). You are absolutely right, we as scientists have to reconsider our risk attitudes. I think we should leave statiscal arguments for the security of riskfull techniques like "This will hapen only once in 1 million years". Stupid. It is not the question, IF something bad could happen in 1 million years, but WHEN and WHERE and UNDER WHICH circumstances it could happen earlier, and then we will find other solutions, e.g. "place all transformators or batteries on artificial hills of 30 m height" - then tsunamis cannot destroy them.
In Germany a big political discussion started to quit the whole atomic reactors as a result of your catastrophe. Especially we in the North Country Schleswig-Holstein are very experienced in big very big power producing windmills on countrysides, or even offshore wave or wind power plants in the Northern Sea. We do have enough "heavenly" energy on our globe, we don't need to play with the devilish energy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Chernobyl and Fukushima.
Ryoichi I always think about our taxi drive in Prague and our discussion with Steve during the last days, trying to convince you that time to organize the IBO in 2009, so that you can leave this sorrow behind the earlier the better - and it will become more expensive year by year. We did not know that beside us God was in this taxi and he was with you during the doubtfully months of decision making in Japan. It was a good decision and one of the best IBOs ever! Maybe it will take years that you can come back to normal life, but I hope that Japan will survive - no matter what will happen. This is all the experience of history. I even hope, your society will become much stronger after this beat.
We are with you.
All the best also from my wife and my children for you and your family





ドイツでは、日本の惨状をうけて、政治的なレベルで原子力発電をやめようという議論がはじまっています。特に、North Country Schleswig-Holsteinに住んでいる私たちは、風車による発電によって非常に多くの電力が得られることを知っています。また、北部の海岸では波や風による発電所があります。私たちは充分なエネルギーを、地球にある“平和な”方法で得ることができるのです。広島や長崎、チェルノブイリ、そして福島のような悪魔的なエネルギーと共存する必要はないのです。





Eckhard ドイツ (IBO元副議長)

On behalf of my colleagues I express our deep sorrow over the tragedy due to a natural disaster in Japan. We hope that you will be able to overcome this misfortune and will soon return to normal life.
Ekaterine Bakuradze グルジア共和国

Ekaterine Bakuradze グルジア共和国

My Dear friend Ryoichi,
At this moment, I just can wish and pray no more suffering so serious earthquake and tsunami for your country and your people. I hope the process in selecting and training your students will be going smoothly.

張永達 台湾

Dear Ryochi,
Thank you for your mail and conciderations about the relation between the reality that we are living in - science education and imature advanced technology. Although we did not write you, we have been thinking of you and the Japanese people almost continously since the first earthquake - things becoming only worse and worse for every hour.
We had news from Japan every hour in the national TV. - All forgotten about the poor people in Libya fighting for their freedom - although they had been the head news until the earthquake. That´s the way the news works.....
Erland and I were skiing in Norway in the most wonderful mountain scenery thinking about how fast everything can change in your life even when you feel the most secure.
Be sure that we will cross our fingers the best we have learnt.
Sincerely yours

Kirsten  Denmark

Dear Ryoichi,
I have contacted Nozomi and my friend Saji already last Friday morning, when news were still not so bad. Then I left to France where I am till Monday.
I am sorry that I was not in contact with you all, my Japanese friends, when the worst news came. I wish you all and all Japan people to recover as soon as possible and we all in Europe will try to help and encourage you in this disaster.
With my very best wishes,

Tomas  Czech (Coordinating Centre of the IBO)

Dear Ryoichi and all JBO friends,

How have you been?
As I watched the news of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, my thoughts are with everyone I know in Japan. I hope you and your loved ones are safe from the natural disaster and far from harm of the radiation from the nuclear power plants.

However, in this moment of grief, we must praise on how the people of Japan are facing the crisis with extraordinary grace and calm. I truly believe that Japan will rebuild and rebound back stronger than ever and I wish you all the best in your country’s swift recovery.

Please accept my sincere condolences and please pass on my concern and sympathy to the victims of the disaster.
All my best wishes,

Poon Kasemsap and all your friends from IBO





Message from the Japanese Biology Olympiad Committee Coordinator (March 17, 2011)

http://www.ibo-info.org/にベルギーのGérard Cobut (IBO副議長)により掲載された。

Dear IBO friends,

Thank you very much for your concerns about us. We are still terrified by earthquakes and the atomic power plant's problems. I have heard that inside of buildings in Tsukuba University were damaged seriously. Our university of Tokyo is OK even though labs in the upper floors, over 6th floor, are damaged by falling off reagents from lab benches. All books in our libraries also fell down. Now, besides expected big earthquakes coming in Tokyo area, we have to face serious radioactive pollution, if the procedures fail. We are still not sure what the outcome of these problems will be.
Only relief is that the IBO 2009 was over without any problem.
About JBO activity, we had no choice but to postpone our final exam for the third selection, which was scheduled on March 20th, to choose our final candidates for the IBO2011. Hopefully we can finish final exam later and train them and send them to Taiwan. At this moment, this is our only hope.
In my opinion, if we could get along these hardships, we should reconsider our science education for next generations. Science education becomes imbalance in our country. For example, we teach earth science to only less than 5% of high school students. Even though we face some of earthquakes, typhoons and small tsunamis every year, 95% of high school students were not taught earth science, anymore. 30% of high school students were not taught physics, including atomic energy. 30% of high school students were not taught biology including infectious diseases, population problems and health problems. I think that we need "science education for survival" which contains all fields of sciences, medicine, agriculture, technology, science ethics and humanities for human survival. And we, probably in every country, should reconsider modern excessive electrically-powered daily lives, as well.
Thank you very much for your concerns for us, again. We really hope to see you again at the IBO 2011 in Taipei.
Sincerely yours,

Ryoichi Matsuda, D. Sc.
Coordinator of Japan Biology Olympiad Committee
Professor, Department of Life Sciences,
The University of Tokyo 3-8-1 Komaba - Tokyo 153-8902 - Japan

 私たち日本のことをご心配いただき心より感謝申し上げます。私たちはまだ、地震と原子力の問題にさらされています。 (2009年に国際生物学オリンピック大会: IBO2009が開催された)筑波大学の建物の内部が地震の被害にあったと聞きました。私たち、東京大学では,6階から上の研究室では実験台から試薬が落ちるなどの影響はありましたが、みな無事です。今、東京に大きな地震が来るのではないかという問題の他に、原子力発電所への対応を誤ると、深刻な放射能汚染が起こりうるという問題に直面しています。これらの問題がどのような結末を迎えるのか、まだよくわかりません。IBO2009がなんの問題もなく終っていることが唯一の救いです。

 松田 良一



〒102-0091 東京都千代田区北の丸公園2-1 科学技術館内

  • 電話:03-3212-8518
  • ファクス:03-3212-7790
  • E-mail:jbo -(at)- jsf.or.jp ( -(at)- を@に変えて送信してください)